Thanks again for your recent purchase of our “Busy Lifestyle Planner.” We thought we’d also pass along a list of 4 fabulous tips that are sure to ignite and enrich your “Busy Lifestyle” experience!
Tip 1: Make It Your Own…
Make this “Busy Lifestyle Planner” 100% YOU! More than likely, this planner will stay by your side, so give it personal touches that will provide sunshine and encouragement on those inevitable gloomy, impossible days! Begin by “Looking Back” on last year, and think about what went well and what could’ve gone better. Create your “Vision Board” and consider “The Big Picture.” Throughout the year, you can turn to these pages for inspiration and guidance.
Tip 2: Put It In Writing…
There’s something about physically writing your annual goals on paper that makes them official. If you haven’t completed this section of your planner yet, we encourage you to do it. Schedule a time to reflect on your dreams for the year and on how you’ll reach them. No goals are too big or small. If they’re important to you, they’re the best goals you can have! You’ll find room for 6 goals and action steps, and you can even track the dates you reach completion and see how far you’ve come (and how much you’ve grown)!
Tip 3: Just a Glimpse…
Before jumping right into the monthly and weekly calendar pages, think about the month ahead as a whole. Fill out your “Month at a Glance.” Instead of moving to the next calendar and hurriedly scribbling down every appointment, meeting, commitment, etc., try listing the most important tasks, events, and special notes. You even have room for a monthly to-do list. Best of all, create challenges for yourself: What should you do more? What should you do less? These are necessary checkpoints on your life journey that ensure your growth as a happy, focused, powerful woman!
Tip 4: Explore…
Explore your new planner, and take advantage of the all the “Notes” space it affords. You may journal and record new recipes on the lined paper and maybe even sketch your ideas on the white pages. When you find yourself scanning the kitchen for a pen and notepad, consider grabbing your planner, especially if the information you’re about to jot down will come in handy later. The “Busy Lifestyle Planner” is a safe place. Store coupons, receipts, and tickets in your planner’s pocket. Flip to the back for sections dedicated to your “Contacts” and “Dates to Remember.”
We hope the “Busy Lifestyle Planner” gives you the purpose, organization, and confidence you need amid all of the hustle and bustle of everyday living!
Lanz Boutique
very nice read